My first day

What do I need to know for my First Day?

  • Student Information System (SIS) App and Check-in

    Upon being accepted for enrollment, you will receive an electronic invitation to join our SIS app. Once you download the app, you will receive a unique check-in number for your child. See the information below for checking your child(ren) in to and out of the School.
    Keypad Entry to Front Door – On your first day of attendance you will also be issued a passcode to enter through the front door of the school. You will enter this number on the keypad to the left of the front entrance to unlock the door.

  • Checking into my room

    You will use the number you received from the SIS app to check your child(ren) in (and out) at the kiosk just inside the front entrance to the school. Check-in is NOT COMPLETE until the following has occurred: All children must be escorted by an ADULT (age 18 or older) into their classroom. The person dropping off the child is responsible for ensuring that a teacher is in the classroom and that they have made direct contact with the teacher so that the teacher is aware that their child is being dropped off. Failure to do so is potentially dangerous for the child and could be the reason for dismissal from the program.

  • Checking out of my room

    Children must be picked up by an adult (age 18 or older) who is listed as an approved pick-up in our files, for the child. The person picking up the child is responsible for making direct contact with a teacher to ensure they are aware the child is being picked up. Check-out is NOT COMPLETE until the child has been checked out using the check-in/out kiosk just inside the front entrance door.

  • How to get to my room?

    All rooms are in one hallway, to the right of the check-in kiosk. If you are unsure which room you need to go to, please check with available staff in the office, or the classrooms.

  • Communicating with teachers

    The SIS App is the primary and official mode for communicating with teachers and administration. You may also call the front office at 575-522-8220 to speak with the Executive or Assistant Director. We expect all communication to be professional and courteous. We also like to keep parents informed and updated regarding their child’s day, when appropriate.

  • Drop-off and pick-up times

    Drop-off and pick-up times vary based on the intended attendance and program in which the child is enrolled. The earliest drop-off time is 7:30 am, and the latest pick-up time is 5:30 pm. The latest pick-up time for half-day morning attendance is 12:30 pm. The earliest drop-off time for half-day afternoon attendance is 12:30 pm.
    * Students enrolled in the NM PreK program are considered tardy after 8:30 am. Consistent tardiness for NM PreK classes may result in removal from the program. Latest pick-up time for NM PreK classes is 3:30 pm. After 3:30 pm, students must be enrolled in the Aftercare program. Latest pick-up time for the Aftercare program is 5:30 pm.

  • What do I need to bring?

    A water bottle (water only), diapers and wipes (as appropriate), change of clothes, sheet for nap cot (crib size works best), light blanket for nap, small pillow and/or soft toy for napping. Please do NOT bring other toys from home. We also ask that you please do NOT bring food into the classroom, as this can be a problem for children with sensitive allergies, and is not allowed by our food contract.