Bright Beginnings Learning Center (Bright Beginnings) is a non-profit, Christian-based childcare and preschool education provider. As a ministry of University United Methodist Church (UUMC), Bright Beginnings was initially founded as “Mother’s Day Out” in 1973 by a women’s group of UUMC. Today, Bright Beginnings boasts seven classrooms, including two New Mexico PreK classrooms, and five private Christian classrooms, ranging in ages from 18 months to 5 years old.
Children are provided three healthy, nutritious, and good tasting meals made from scratch each day: Breakfast (8-9am); Lunch (12-1pm); Snack (2:45pm). We consider mealtime to be part of the curriculum. All meals/snacks are provided “family style.” This provides a positive environment for eating and socializing, for trying new food, and for children to learn to serve themselves and others and exercise appropriate “table manners.”
Transitions are often a challenging part of life (for adults and children alike). We strive to support transitions through proactive measures, such as repetitive “transition activities,” verbal and/or visual reminders and cues, maintaining daily routines, and understanding transitions as moments of growth and spiritual markers.
Outside play is critically important to healthy childhood growth and development. In addition to our Community Garden, Bright Beginnings is blessed to have a large and well-furnished and safe playground. From sand and sidewalks; slides and swings; tricycles, monkey bars and more, Bright Beginnings offers countless opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills while simultaneously negotiating early social interaction skills.
Each classroom at Bright Beginnings has a designated naptime from approximately 12:45-2:45pm daily. Older aged children have a shorter designated time. We find that once in the routine, the majority of our children do take naps. Those that do not nap still enjoy this time by reading books, journalling, or playing quietly on their cots. This “quiet time” helps children discover the importance of rhythms and structures in developing holistic life patterns.
We have Chapel on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Specific times vary by classroom. During Chapel we worship and learn about our triune God in age-appropriate small groups and timeframes, with elements of Godplay, rhythm and music, and visual and emotional prompts. On occasion, Chapel may be held outdoors or in the Community Garden.
At Bright Beginnings we understand that music and movement go hand-in-hand, and both are important to a child’s development. Music particularly integrates right- and left-brain thinking and is a great tool for developing early literacy pathways. Our teachers use music, singing and movement in their classrooms, and singing and rhythm is always a part of Chapel. In addition, we introduce musical instruments such as shakers, triangles, rhythm sticks, and more. We experiment together with basic musical concepts such as “do-re-mi” body movement and singing. All children are encouraged to “find their voices” through music.
Each classroom at Bright Beginnings includes an Art center, and a Drama center. Art activities give room for creative expression while encouraging fine motor skill development. Drama centers support active and imaginative role-playing which further encourages collaborative play with peers.
We do believe in the power of literacy! Bright Beginnings is excited about its soon-to-be on sight children’s library. Once completed, children will be able to participate in a weekly “Library Day”. In addition to encouraging reading readiness, the library encourages parent-child together time.
UUMC’s beautiful and extensive Community Garden offers frequent opportunities not only for children to interact with and learn about nature, but also provides a special venue to host parent-child activities that encourage family engagement with their child and Bright Beginnings.
Coming soon! We’ll keep you updated on the latest developments for this promising new curriculum.